Source code for etna.datasets.datasets_generation

from typing import List
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.random import RandomState
from statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import arma_generate_sample

[docs]def generate_ar_df( periods: int, start_time: str, ar_coef: Optional[list] = None, sigma: float = 1, n_segments: int = 1, freq: str = "1D", random_seed: int = 1, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create DataFrame with AR process data. Parameters ---------- periods: number of timestamps start_time: start timestamp ar_coef: AR coefficients sigma: scale of AR noise n_segments: number of segments freq: pandas frequency string for :py:func:`pandas.date_range` that is used to generate timestamp random_seed: random seed """ if ar_coef is None: ar_coef = [1] random_sampler = RandomState(seed=random_seed).normal ar_coef = np.r_[1, -np.array(ar_coef)] ar_samples = arma_generate_sample( ar=ar_coef, ma=[1], nsample=(n_segments, periods), axis=1, distrvs=random_sampler, scale=sigma ) df = pd.DataFrame(data=ar_samples.T, columns=[f"segment_{i}" for i in range(n_segments)]) df["timestamp"] = pd.date_range(start=start_time, freq=freq, periods=periods) df = df.melt(id_vars=["timestamp"], value_name="target", var_name="segment") return df
[docs]def generate_periodic_df( periods: int, start_time: str, scale: float = 10, period: int = 1, n_segments: int = 1, freq: str = "1D", add_noise: bool = False, sigma: float = 1, random_seed: int = 1, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create DataFrame with periodic data. Parameters ---------- periods: number of timestamps start_time: start timestamp scale: we sample data from Uniform[0, scale) period: data frequency -- x[i+period] = x[i] n_segments: number of segments freq: pandas frequency string for :py:func:`pandas.date_range` that is used to generate timestamp add_noise: if True we add noise to final samples sigma: scale of added noise random_seed: random seed """ samples = RandomState(seed=random_seed).randint(int(scale), size=(n_segments, period)) patterns = [list(ar) for ar in samples] df = generate_from_patterns_df( periods=periods, start_time=start_time, patterns=patterns, sigma=sigma, random_seed=random_seed, freq=freq, add_noise=add_noise, ) return df
[docs]def generate_const_df( periods: int, start_time: str, scale: float, n_segments: int = 1, freq: str = "1D", add_noise: bool = False, sigma: float = 1, random_seed: int = 1, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create DataFrame with const data. Parameters ---------- periods: number of timestamps start_time: start timestamp scale: const value to fill period: data frequency -- x[i+period] = x[i] n_segments: number of segments freq: pandas frequency string for :py:func:`pandas.date_range` that is used to generate timestamp add_noise: if True we add noise to final samples sigma: scale of added noise random_seed: random seed """ patterns = [[scale] for _ in range(n_segments)] df = generate_from_patterns_df( periods=periods, start_time=start_time, patterns=patterns, sigma=sigma, random_seed=random_seed, freq=freq, add_noise=add_noise, ) return df
[docs]def generate_from_patterns_df( periods: int, start_time: str, patterns: List[List[float]], freq: str = "1D", add_noise=False, sigma: float = 1, random_seed: int = 1, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create DataFrame from patterns. Parameters ---------- periods: number of timestamps start_time: start timestamp patterns: list of lists with patterns to be repeated freq: pandas frequency string for :py:func:`pandas.date_range` that is used to generate timestamp add_noise: if True we add noise to final samples sigma: scale of added noise random_seed: random seed """ n_segments = len(patterns) if add_noise: noise = RandomState(seed=random_seed).normal(scale=sigma, size=(n_segments, periods)) else: noise = np.zeros(shape=(n_segments, periods)) samples = noise for idx, pattern in enumerate(patterns): samples[idx, :] += np.array(pattern * (periods // len(pattern) + 1))[:periods] df = pd.DataFrame(data=samples.T, columns=[f"segment_{i}" for i in range(n_segments)]) df["timestamp"] = pd.date_range(start=start_time, freq=freq, periods=periods) df = df.melt(id_vars=["timestamp"], value_name="target", var_name="segment") return df
[docs]def generate_hierarchical_df( periods: int, n_segments: List[int], freq: str = "D", start_time: str = "2000-01-01", ar_coef: Optional[list] = None, sigma: float = 1, random_seed: int = 1, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create DataFrame with hierarchical structure and AR process data. The hierarchical structure is generated as follows: 1. Number of levels in the structure is the same as length of ``n_segments`` parameter 2. Each level contains the number of segments set in ``n_segments`` 3. Connections from parent to child level are generated randomly. Parameters ---------- periods: number of timestamps n_segments: number of segments on each level. freq: pandas frequency string for :py:func:`pandas.date_range` that is used to generate timestamp start_time: start timestamp ar_coef: AR coefficients sigma: scale of AR noise random_seed: random seed Returns ------- : DataFrame at the bottom level of the hierarchy Raises ------ ValueError: ``n_segments`` is empty ValueError: ``n_segments`` contains not positive integers ValueError: ``n_segments`` represents not non-decreasing sequence """ if len(n_segments) == 0: raise ValueError("`n_segments` should contain at least one positive integer!") if (np.less_equal(n_segments, 0)).any(): raise ValueError("All `n_segments` elements should be positive!") if (np.diff(n_segments) < 0).any(): raise ValueError("`n_segments` should represent non-decreasing sequence!") rnd = RandomState(seed=random_seed) bottom_df = generate_ar_df( periods=periods, start_time=start_time, ar_coef=ar_coef, sigma=sigma, n_segments=n_segments[-1], freq=freq, random_seed=random_seed, ) bottom_segments = np.unique(bottom_df["segment"]) n_levels = len(n_segments) child_to_parent = dict() for level_id in range(1, n_levels): prev_level_n_segments = n_segments[level_id - 1] cur_level_n_segments = n_segments[level_id] # ensure all parents have at least one child seen_ids = set() child_ids = rnd.choice(cur_level_n_segments, prev_level_n_segments, replace=False) for parent_id, child_id in enumerate(child_ids): seen_ids.add(child_id) child_to_parent[f"l{level_id}s{child_id}"] = f"l{level_id - 1}s{parent_id}" for child_id in range(cur_level_n_segments): if child_id not in seen_ids: parent_id = rnd.choice(prev_level_n_segments, 1).item() child_to_parent[f"l{level_id}s{child_id}"] = f"l{level_id - 1}s{parent_id}" bottom_segments_map = {segment: f"l{n_levels - 1}s{idx}" for idx, segment in enumerate(bottom_segments)} bottom_df[f"level_{n_levels - 1}"] = bottom_df["segment"].map(lambda x: bottom_segments_map[x]) for level_id in range(n_levels - 2, -1, -1): bottom_df[f"level_{level_id}"] = bottom_df[f"level_{level_id + 1}"].map(lambda x: child_to_parent[x]) bottom_df.drop(columns=["segment"], inplace=True) return bottom_df