Source code for etna.models.nn.deepstate.linear_dynamic_system

from typing import Tuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.distributions.multivariate_normal import MultivariateNormal
from torch.distributions.normal import Normal

from etna.core import BaseMixin

[docs]class LDS(BaseMixin): """Class which implements Linear Dynamical System (LDS) as a distribution.""" def __init__( self, emission_coeff: Tensor, # (batch_size, seq_length, latent_dim) transition_coeff: Tensor, # (latent_dim, latent_dim) innovation_coeff: Tensor, # (batch_size, seq_length, latent_dim) noise_std: Tensor, # (batch_size, seq_length, 1) prior_mean: Tensor, # (batch_size, latent_dim) prior_cov: Tensor, # (batch_size, latent_dim, latent_dim) offset: Tensor, # (batch_size, seq_length, 1) seq_length: int, latent_dim: int, ): """Create instance of LDS. Parameters ---------- emission_coeff: Emission coefficient matrix with shape (batch_size, seq_length, latent_dim). transition_coeff: Transition coefficient matrix with shape (latent_dim, latent_dim). innovation_coeff: Innovation coefficient matrix with shape (batch_size, seq_length, latent_dim). noise_std: Noise standard deviation for targets with shape (batch_size, seq_length, 1). prior_mean: Prior mean for latent state with shape (batch_size, latent_dim) prior_cov: Prior covariance matrix for latent state with shape (batch_size, latent_dim, latent_dim) offset: Offset for the target with shape (batch_size, seq_length, 1) seq_length: Length of the sequence. latent_dim: Dimension of the latent space. """ self.emission_coeff = emission_coeff self.transition_coeff = transition_coeff self.innovation_coeff = innovation_coeff self.noise_std = noise_std self.prior_mean = prior_mean self.prior_cov = prior_cov self.offset = offset self.seq_length = seq_length self.latent_dim = latent_dim self.batch_size = self.prior_mean.shape[0] self._eye = torch.eye(self.latent_dim).to(noise_std)
[docs] def kalman_filter_step( self, target: Tensor, # (batch_size, 1) noise_std: Tensor, # (batch_size, 1) prior_mean: Tensor, # (batch_size, latent_dim) prior_cov: Tensor, # (batch_size, latent_dim, latent_dim) emission_coeff: Tensor, # (batch_size, latent_dim) offset: Tensor, # (batch_size, 1) ): """One step of the Kalman filter. This function computes the filtered state (mean and covariance) given the LDS coefficients in the prior state (mean and variance) and observations. Parameters ---------- target: Observations of the system with shape (batch_size, 1) noise_std: Standard deviation of the observations noise with shape (batch_size, 1) prior_mean: Prior mean of the latent state with shape (batch_size, latent_dim) prior_cov: Prior covariance of the latent state with shape (batch_size, latent_dim, latent_dim) emission_coeff: Emission coefficient with shape (batch_size, latent_dim) offset: Offset for the observations with shape (batch_size, 1) Returns ------- : Log probability with shape (batch_size, 1) : Filtered_mean with shape (batch_size, latent_dim, 1) : Filtered_covariance with shape (batch_size, latent_dim, latent_dim) """ emission_coeff = emission_coeff.unsqueeze(-1) # H * mu (batch_size, 1) target_mean = (emission_coeff.permute(0, 2, 1) @ prior_mean.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # v (batch_size, 1) residual = target - target_mean - offset # R (batch_size, 1, 1) noise_cov = torch.diag_embed(noise_std * noise_std) # F (batch_size, 1, 1) target_cov = emission_coeff.permute(0, 2, 1) @ prior_cov @ emission_coeff + noise_cov # K (batch_size, latent_dim) kalman_gain = (prior_cov @ emission_coeff @ torch.inverse(target_cov)).squeeze(-1) # mu = mu_t + K * v (batch_size, latent_dim) filtered_mean = prior_mean + (kalman_gain.unsqueeze(-1) @ residual.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # P = (I - KH)P_t (batch_size, latent_dim, latent_dim) filtered_cov = ( - kalman_gain.unsqueeze(-1) @ emission_coeff.permute(0, 2, 1)) @ prior_cov # log-likelihood (batch_size, 1) log_p = ( Normal(target_mean.squeeze(-1), torch.sqrt(target_cov.squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1))) .log_prob(target.squeeze(-1)) .unsqueeze(-1) ) return log_p, filtered_mean, filtered_cov
[docs] def kalman_filter(self, targets: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """Perform Kalman filtering of given observations. Parameters ---------- targets: Tensor with observations with shape (batch_size, seq_length, 1) Returns ------- : Log probabilities with shape shape (batch_size, seq_length) : Mean of p(l_T | l_{T-1}), where T is seq_length, with shape (batch_size, latent_dim) : Covariance of p(l_T | l_{T-1}), where T is seq_length, with shape (batch_size, latent_dim, latent_dim) """ log_p_seq = [] mean = self.prior_mean cov = self.prior_cov for t in range(self.seq_length): log_p, filtered_mean, filtered_cov = self.kalman_filter_step( target=targets[:, t], noise_std=self.noise_std[:, t], prior_mean=mean, prior_cov=cov, emission_coeff=self.emission_coeff[:, t], offset=self.offset[:, t], ) log_p_seq.append(log_p) mean = (self.transition_coeff @ filtered_mean.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cov = self.transition_coeff @ filtered_cov @ self.transition_coeff.T + self.innovation_coeff[ :, t ].unsqueeze(-1) @ self.innovation_coeff[:, t].unsqueeze(-1).permute(0, 2, 1) log_p =, dim=1) return log_p, mean, cov
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, targets: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Compute the log-likelihood of the target. Parameters ---------- targets: Tensor with targets of shape (batch_size, seq_length, 1) Returns ------- : Tensor with log-likelihoods of target of shape (batch_size, seq_length) """ log_p, _, _ = self.kalman_filter(targets=targets) return log_p
def _sample_initials(self, n_samples: int): """Sample initial values for noise and latent state.""" # (n_samples, batch_size, seq_length, latent_dim) eps_latent = MultivariateNormal( loc=torch.zeros(self.latent_dim), covariance_matrix=torch.eye(self.latent_dim) ).sample((n_samples, self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) # (n_samples, batch_size, seq_length, 1) eps_observation = Normal(loc=0, scale=1).sample((n_samples, self.batch_size, self.seq_length, 1)) # (n_samples, batch_size, latent_dim) l_0 = MultivariateNormal(loc=self.prior_mean, covariance_matrix=self.prior_cov).sample((n_samples,)) return l_0, eps_latent, eps_observation
[docs] def sample(self, n_samples: int) -> Tensor: """Sample the trajectories of targets from the current LDS. Parameters ---------- n_samples: Number of trajectories to sample. Returns ------- : Tensor with trajectories with shape (n_samples, batch_size, seq_length, 1). """ l_t, eps_latent, eps_observation = self._sample_initials(n_samples=n_samples) samples_seq = [] for t in range(self.seq_length): a_t = self.emission_coeff[:, t].unsqueeze(-1).permute(0, 2, 1) @ l_t.unsqueeze(-1) b_t = self.offset[:, t].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-1) noise_t = (self.noise_std[:, t].unsqueeze(0) * eps_observation[:, :, t]).unsqueeze(-1) z_t = a_t + b_t + noise_t samples_seq.append(z_t) a_t = (self.transition_coeff @ l_t.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) noise_t = self.innovation_coeff[:, t].unsqueeze(0) * eps_latent[:, :, t] l_t = a_t + noise_t # (n_samples, batch_size, seq_length, 1) samples =, dim=2) return samples