Source code for etna.transforms.math.power

from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer

from etna.distributions import BaseDistribution
from etna.distributions import CategoricalDistribution
from etna.transforms.math.sklearn import SklearnTransform
from etna.transforms.math.sklearn import TransformMode

[docs]class YeoJohnsonTransform(SklearnTransform): """YeoJohnsonTransform applies Yeo-Johns transformation to a DataFrame. Warning ------- This transform can suffer from look-ahead bias. For transforming data at some timestamp it uses information from the whole train part. """ def __init__( self, in_column: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, inplace: bool = True, out_column: Optional[str] = None, standardize: bool = True, mode: Union[TransformMode, str] = "per-segment", ): """ Create instance of YeoJohnsonTransform. Parameters ---------- in_column: columns to be transformed, if None - all columns will be transformed. inplace: * if True, apply transformation inplace to in_column, * if False, add column to dataset. out_column: base for the names of generated columns, uses ``self.__repr__()`` if not given. standardize: Set to True to apply zero-mean, unit-variance normalization to the transformed output. Raises ------ ValueError: if incorrect mode given """ self.standardize = standardize super().__init__( in_column=in_column, inplace=inplace, out_column=out_column, transformer=PowerTransformer(method="yeo-johnson", standardize=self.standardize), mode=mode, )
[docs] def params_to_tune(self) -> Dict[str, BaseDistribution]: """Get default grid for tuning hyperparameters. This grid tunes parameters: ``mode``, ``standardize``. Other parameters are expected to be set by the user. Returns ------- : Grid to tune. """ grid = super().params_to_tune() grid.update( { "standardize": CategoricalDistribution([False, True]), } ) return grid
[docs]class BoxCoxTransform(SklearnTransform): """BoxCoxTransform applies Box-Cox transformation to DataFrame. Warning ------- This transform can suffer from look-ahead bias. For transforming data at some timestamp it uses information from the whole train part. """ def __init__( self, in_column: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, inplace: bool = True, out_column: Optional[str] = None, standardize: bool = True, mode: Union[TransformMode, str] = "per-segment", ): """ Create instance of BoxCoxTransform. Parameters ---------- in_column: columns to be transformed, if None - all columns will be transformed. inplace: * if True, apply transformation inplace to in_column, * if False, add column to dataset. out_column: base for the names of generated columns, uses ``self.__repr__()`` if not given. standardize: Set to True to apply zero-mean, unit-variance normalization to the transformed output. Raises ------ ValueError: if incorrect mode given """ self.standardize = standardize super().__init__( in_column=in_column, inplace=inplace, out_column=out_column, transformer=PowerTransformer(method="box-cox", standardize=self.standardize), mode=mode, )
[docs] def params_to_tune(self) -> Dict[str, BaseDistribution]: """Get default grid for tuning hyperparameters. This grid tunes parameters: ``mode``, ``standardize``. Other parameters are expected to be set by the user. Returns ------- : Grid to tune. """ grid = super().params_to_tune() grid.update( { "standardize": CategoricalDistribution([False, True]), } ) return grid
__all__ = ["BoxCoxTransform", "YeoJohnsonTransform"]